In 2019, a grant of £22,500 was towards assistive communication aid equipment. It was our second grant to the charity, the first being £24,000 in 2014 towards specialist communication aids for students.

The Organisation

The WESC Foundation is a leading national visual impairment centre for the education and care of children, young people and adults aged 5-25 in the South West. Catering for all levels of sight loss with a specialist curriculum and a wide range of complex needs, the centre aims to challenge and encourage each learner to be as active and independent as possible, whatever their ability. The well-planned and adapted WESC campus provides a safe, happy and social place to be.

Key services include full-time day or residential placements for a 38-week academic year in school or college; year-round residential placements (52 weeks); outreach services offering support in mainstream and specialist schools, colleges and universities; work placements and vocational support; short respite breaks; and a range of therapies including physio and occupational therapy.

ASsistive communication equipment

The project support the Speech & Language Therapy Team to purchase a range of assistive communication aid resources to provide users with independent access to a voice output communication aid, developing their own sense of identity and autonomy as well as enabling their messages to be heard and respected. The organisation had raised £2,000 towards the project budget of £24,500. A grant of £22,500 was awarded. 
