Baobab Foundation

The Baobab Foundation (Baobab) was created in 2020 from a desire to challenge the inequitable practices that have led to the underfunding of Black-led organisations and communities. There is ample evidence that Black and minoritised-led groups and individuals are less likely to receive grant funding and this also applies to social investment.

Baobab’s strategic intent is to redress this long-term underfunding of Black and Minoritised-led organisations in the UK and support racial justice for minoritised communities by creating better access to sustained and equitable funding. As a membership organisation, Baobab also provides a space for collaboration and unity for Black and minoritised-led organisations and celebrates the resilience and creativity of these communities. Baobab operates a collective and non-hierarchical structure. Day-to day operations are undertaken by a Project Team, supported by a Steering Committee.
